Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009 reading wrap-up

Wow, it's time to write another "end-of-year" post? 2009 went by way too fast, and I did not get as much reading done as I wanted. (At least I beat my 2008 total of only 14 books!) Here is my 2009 reading list:
  1. Charity Girl by Georgette Heyer
  2. In the Garden of Iden by Kage Baker
  3. Sky Coyote by Kage Baker
  4. A Rose for the Crown by Anne Easter Smith
  5. A Crowning Mercy by Bernard Cornwell & Susannah Kells
  6. Silent in the Sanctuary by Deanna Raybourn
  7. Silent on the Moor by Deanna Raybourn
  8. The Princess of Celle by Jean Plaidy
  9. Queen in Waiting by Jean Plaidy
  10. Caroline, the Queen by Jean Plaidy
  11. The Crimson Thread by Suzanne Weyn
  12. Arabella by Georgette Heyer
  13. April Lady by Georgette Heyer
  14. Compromised by Kate Noble
  15. The Prince and the Quakeress by Jean Plaidy
  16. The Season by Sarah MacLean
  17. The Third George by Jean Plaidy
  18. Cleopatra's Daughter by Michelle Moran
  19. Memoirs of a Hoyden by Joan Smith
My favorite read of 2009 was Silent on the Moor by Deanna Raybourn, followed closely by Arabella by Georgette Heyer, Silent in the Sanctuary by Deanna Raybourn and A Crowning Mercy by Bernard Cornwell and Susannah Kells.

Jean Plaidy's The Prince and the Quakeress was my most disappointing read of the past year, simply because it was dull and repetitive. It in no way inspired the kind of loathing I've felt in recent years after finishing really bad books (Philip Pullman's The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass,
Suzannah Dunn's The Sixth Wife). I am finding as the years pass that I'm much less likely to finish a book that's really bad. I have too many books I want to read to waste time with those I'm not enjoying.

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